Old knowledge 1958
When the company "Gebrüder Sie", Bremen, for example, published its first moped catalogue in 1954, there was no idea how quickly the development of this type of vehicle would progress. This rapid development caused quite a mess on the spare parts and accessories market. The small moped manufacturers bought the components they needed from many different suppliers, but hardly ever published their own spare parts lists for their new two-wheeled product.
In this situation, the moped accessories and spare parts catalogues of the wholesalers became important reference works for the repair workshops. The catalogues were based on the tried-and-tested system used for bicycle, car and motorbike parts catalogues in previous decades.
This gave the workshops a good overview of the wide range of moped accessories and all common spare parts.
Today, these catalogues from past years are rare collector's items. Over 55 years have passed since the Staiger company published the original of this catalogue. A reprint of the 1958 edition is now being published by Johann Kleine Vennekate.
Back then, the catalogue was aimed at bicycle mechanics who ordered the necessary spare parts for their customers. Today, on the other hand, the content is likely to be aimed primarily at enthusiasts of historic mopeds who want to find the spare part they are looking for at classic car markets and on the Internet. Old knowledge is necessary today in order to successfully maintain the moped from past times, to carefully preserve values or to continue using the historic two-wheeler.
262 pages
ISBN: 978-3-935517-71-3
Kleine-Vennekatte-Verlag Bentzlerstr. 3 32657 Lemgo WEEE-Nummer:
Verantwortliche Person:
J. Kleine info@motorradbuch.de